Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Quinoa Burger Patty

Who doesn't love burgers? I love the veggie burgers you get at restaurants here, but the only problem they are very high in calories.

A healthy way to enjoy a burger is by making the patty at home, and cooking it on a skillet instead of deep frying it.
Here is one such patty which is so easy to make and tastes so good, you wouldn't beleive it's so healthy.

Yeilds 12 medium size patties

Quinoa 1/2 cup
Brown Basmati Rice 1/2 cup- soak for an hour
Cooked Chana - a fist full
Green Bell pepper-  1/4 cup finely chopped
Bread Crumbs - some to mix with the patty just in case you need tightness and some to roll the patty over
Water for pressure cooking - 2 cups
Salt to taste
Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tsp
Dhaniya Powder - 1/2 tsp
Jeera Powder - 1/2 tsp
Garam Masala - 1 tsp
Saunf 1 tsp
Paprika or Red Chilli Powder - 1/2 tsp or according to taste
Parmesan Cheese - optional
Seeded Burger Buns - one packet

Condiments for the Burger
Mustard, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Cheese Slices, Jalapenos and Pickles and Guacamole.

Pressure cook quinoa and brown rice with salt and turmeric powder.Give atleast 4 whistles.Make sure it is not too mushy.Pulse the chana.

In a bowl add the quinoa and brown rice, Add all the dry masalas , saunf, chopped bell pepper, pulsed chana and salt. Mix well.
You have to be able to make flat patties. If you need more tightness you can add some more chana /bread crumbs/parmesan cheese.
Spread some bread crumbs on a plate. Now roll the patties over them.

Heat a skillet and cook these patties with a little brushing of oil till they turn golden brown on both sides.Let it get crisy.

Assemble the burger with your choice of condiments and enjoy it with a side of fries or salad.

Other Options
You can add herbs like Dill, Coriander, parsely, dried seasonings etc
Other veggies that can be added - colored bell pepper, cooked corn, blanched spinach, shredded carrot , shredded tofu etc
You can add lime juice if you wish for some tanginess.

Tips : You can leave the patties in the refrigerator so that it gains tightness
You can try roasting the patties in the oven too or try the traditional deep fry too.

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