Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tea Biscuits

These cookies are a Bangalore delicacy. If you're from Bangalore you must have tasted these famous cookies available at all the Iyengar bakeries.
These are so delicious and literally melt in your mouth.My grandparents would get these everytime they came to visit us or we would visit them and it would get over in a couple of minutes. Miss those good old days.

Today made these cookies with Akshara and it was a fantastic experience.

Yeilds 12
Butter 1 stick or  1/2 cup at room temperature
Castor Sugar 1/2 cup
Maida or All Purpose Flour 1 cup
Baking soda 1/4 tsp
Cardamom Powder 1/2 tsp
Salt one pinch

Bring butter to room temperature.In a mixing bowl whisk butter and sugar ( little at a time) into a creamy consistency.
Add cardamom powder and whisk again.
In another bowl add flour , salt and baking powder. Mix well.
Fold in the flour mixture into the butter little at a time and knead into a soft dough.
Cover with clear wrap and set aside for 20 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 300 F.Line a baking tray with parchment paper.

Knead the dough again, divide into 12 equal balls. Place one ball between your palms and smoothen it.Make sure there are no cracks.
Make a little flat and place it on the tray.Repeat the same with others.Leave equal space between the cookies.
Press your choice of nut on each of the cookies. I have used almonds.
Bake for 20-25 minutes. Check occasionally , we want to cookies to remain white.

Allow to cool and store in an airtight box.

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