Friday, November 21, 2014

Sabudana Upma

Sabudana goes by the english names Sago or Tapioca Pearls.
Sabudana is great source of starch but it is however low in fat and protein.
It is usually used in Indian cuisine to break fasts since it gives a quick boost of
energy. Sabudana is usually made in kheer , gruel or upma form.Sago gruel can be given to children when sick as it easily digests.To make up for the other vital ingredients needed by our body you can cook sabudana in milk or with vegetables.

Here is an eezy breezy upma recipe.A great breakfast option.

Sago 2 cups- soaked overnight or atleast 4 hrs.
Onions - 2 small finely chopped
green chillies- 3 finely chopped
ginger grated few.
potato -1 chopped very finely
peas 1/2 cup
lime juice 1 tablespoon or more depending on your taste buds.
salt as needed
oil 2 tablespoon
mustard seeds- 1/2 tsp
urad dal 1/2 tsp
curry leaves few
coriander leaves - 1/2 bunch with stems if possible, finely chopped

Sabudana soaked overnight or for a couple of hours absorbs all the water and becomes soft and fluffy.Drain all the water and keep this aside.

Heat a non stick kadai, add oil , mustard seeds. When they start popping add urad dal, ginger, green chillies, curry leaves and coriander leaves. Saute for a couple of minutes.
Now add onions and salt. Saute till done.
Add potato and peas, cover and cook on a medium flame.
Once the vegetables are done add sabudana and mix well. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes on a medium flame. Sabudana has enough water to cook , if needed just sprinkle some.
Sabudana becomes transluscent when completely cooked. Take it off from the stove and
 add some lime juice.

Enjoy this delicious upma hot.

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